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January 18, 2023


If you need sexy, you must do many sports. Who'd tried losing weight, almost two thirds said they were on s diet most or all of the time. There are so many different diets to choose from these days, it's hard to know which one to follow. But no matter how elaborate and fanciful some modern-day diets are, if they are effective it's because they follow one simple rule to lose weight you must create a calorie deficit. This means restricting your calorie intake so your body's getting less enrgy from food and drink than it actually needs. Many people do lose weight successfully. So if you find that restricting yourself to 2,000 calories a day if you are a man or 1,500 a day if you are a woman is not working for you, perhaps it is time to work out a more effective strategy. And that is where BMR and TDEE come in.

  • BMR is short for basal metabolic rate. Basal means forming or belonging to a bottom layer or base.
  • TDEE stands for total daily energy expenditure

BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy (measured in calories) that your body needs to perform basic functions such as breathing, maintaining body temperature, and pumping blood. Your BMR is primarily determined by your age, sex, weight, and muscle mass. BMR is the basic number of calories you need to sustain life. It's the energy your body needs to keep your heart pumping, your circulation, lungs, brain and other vital organs working, and your body temperature regulated, and so on.

TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is the total number of calories that your body burns in a day. It is calculated by taking into account your BMR, as well as the calories you burn through physical activity and digestion. TDEE takes into account your daily activity level, whether you are sedentary, lightly active, moderately active or very active. TDEE is the number of calories you burn every day, not just to sustain life but to go about your daily activities (including exercise). And to calculate your TDEE you first need to find out your BMR. Then once you know your TDEE, you can set an effective calorie deficit goal. TDEE is generally higher than BMR and is a more accurate measurement of the total number of calories your body burns in a day. Knowing your TDEE can help you determine how many calories you should be consuming to maintain, gain, or lose weight.

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