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November 24, 2013

geplak is traditional cake from bantul jogjakarta

Geplak is one of the many legendary culinary types can be found in the particular area of ​​Bantul Yogyakarta . Culinary is a type of cake traditionally made ​​from flour dough with grated coconut and sugar so it tastes very sweet with coconut aroma is so thick . Actually Geplak also not only easy to be found in Yogyakarta , because the traditional cake has also been spread across many areas around Yogyakarta or towns in Central Java, including Solo and Semarang are also sold in stores souvenirs . Besides the packaging when buying a cake is also very unique and interesting , because it is packaged in a place that is made ​​of woven bamboo or Javanese get to know as " baskets " .For all of you who are visiting Yogyakarta do not forget to try this unique culinary or we can also make by - family home , because the traditional cake is also very easy to can be found in the area which in almost all over the pastry shop or a souvenir to sell .
Geplak Bantul has roundly shape and besides being sweet , but also their physical appearance is so colorful is also very tempting , so it will make everyone curious to taste it . In addition it is not surprising that such a legendary culinary also well-liked by all people of all circles both children and adults .

There may be some of you who have never tasted the taste of cakes Bantul, Yogyakarta like this , but you yourself also have not had the opportunity to vacation in Yogyakarta while you stay too difficult place to get it . Therefore, if you are really curious there is no harm if you try to make yourself at home .

375 grams of rice flour
250 grams of sugar
1/2 cup of boiled water
1/2 grated coconut then lengthwise
salt to taste

How to Make
First sangrailah first rice flour to dry , then add the grated coconut and stir - stir until blended and set aside
Elsewhere sugar boiled with water to boil and the sugar dissolves then lift
Put coconut batter then stir quickly until sugar palm along really well mixed and thickened
If you already take the dough and then shape round object about the size of a ping - pong ball
Wait for it to cool and harden
Nb : if like when making food can be given a special dye color to taste

November 23, 2013

papaya hehe...

Papaya is one fruit that has extraordinary properties for health of all people . The fruit is easily found in rural areas as well as in traditional markets and modern . The price is relatively cheap , making the fruit can be enjoyed by everyone in various different social classes . The fruit is very tasty to eat when the fruit is cooked . With the texture of the meat is tender and sweet taste , a small child was very fond of this fruit . Papaya fruit also have the privilege to the health of the body there . then , what is distinctive papaya fruit for the health of your body ... ? ? ?

     Companions , health tips . Papaya fruit also known as pawpaw (in Java ) . The fruit is found in many areas of tropical climates . Most of the fruit is an elongated oval shape that can reach the size of 20 inches . Associated with nutritional content , papaya including one complete nutritious fruit . Vitamins A , C , K , E , folate , potassium , and fiber is a nutrient content in the papaya fruit . Health tips will review various privileges associated papaya variety of nutrient content in the fruit . Here are 7 distinctive papaya for your health :
Antidote to Heart Disease . Having a healthy heart is a dream of all people . By regularly consuming papaya helps make organs more healthy heart and avoid the risk of heart disease .
Digestion A More Healthy And Maintained . Digestive organs have a very important role in terms of processing and distributing a variety of food nutrients throughout the body . The content of fiber , vitamins A , C , E and beta - carotene in papaya works to nourish organs and able to minimize gastrointestinal cancer in your colon .
Better eyesight . During this time , maybe carrots is considered one of the best food for eye health support . However , in fact , papaya is also very good for your eye organ . This is because , papaya contain vitamin A which is quite high as well .
Prevent Prostate Cancer In Men . For the men who want to avoid the type of prostate cancer , begin to consume fruit is oval . Because the papaya fruit contain lycopene which serves avoid prostate cancer in men .
Improve Immune System . The content of vitamin C is high enough in papaya can help maintain and improve the immune system of a person . Thus, the body does not get sick though weather conditions often change secarat erratic .
Staged defecation . By providing papaya fruit as your diet daily , then the problem of constipation or difficult bowel movements will not be encountered or suffered by you .
Various protective From Free Radicals . The air we hirups every day was mixed with various substances that can reduce free radicals and endanger the health of one's body . By eating a papaya fruit is able to protect the body from harmful free radicals

November 22, 2013

FOOD To Lose Weight

Diet food - If you want to burn more fat without wanting to effortlessly determine the diet plan , counting calories , etc. . Try entering nutritious foods into the food dietAnda . There are some suggestions that we recommend that can help you in many ways .
Some of our suggestions will help boost your metabolism , helps make you feel fuller , and foodstuffs that actually burn fat . If you have the habit of eating junk food , the best way to limit it to replace the food that we recommend is the list of foods to your diet ! Then find benefits to losing weight .
fibrous foods
All plant foods , such as for those who successfully lose weight with a diet high in fiber is the inclusion of green vegetables into her diet food menu . For some reason , highly effective fiber helps lower LDL ( bad cholesterol ) . It makes you feel full and eat less . High fiber foods take longer to digest . Increased resting metabolism because the body is working to digest the food .
Here's a list to choose from , there is no particular order or priority which is best . You can determine the taste and needs . As a suggestion try to add or increase the amount of your diet all foods .
Apples are so many benefits to your diet . Pectin ( one of the substances in apples ) make you feel fuller . This is an effective way to eat less . In addition , pectin actually serves as the absorption of fat . Apple in the morning at breakfast or try it as a midday snack is the time that you can pilih.Alpukat
Avocados are proof that the diet does not always have to be low in fat to help you lose weight . Avocados contain more than 25 essential nutrients . When you eat an avocado you get vitamin B , potassium , vitamin E , and lutein .
Peppers ( or other greens )
Green vegetables ( like peppers ) has the function of accelerating metabolism . In western countries , peppers are often processed into an attractive and tasty salad , so we can assume that a healthy diet is not always bland .
Unlike the peppers , broccoli has another role . Broccoli is a powerful anticancer food diet , high in calcium , iron , magnesium , vitamin A , and vitamin C.

Healthy Diet

To help you to stay healthy and slim every day , then today's article will explain the 10 best foods to choose from . A doctor named David Grotto been researching foods - these foods .
When lunchtime arrived , usually people - men or maybe even you were confused want to eat what food these days . Right ? ?
A David Grotto has managed to make inferences for the 9 best foods for people who are dieting , and of course the food already contains minerals , proteins , vitamins and low in calories with a certain dose .
Calories : 14 per two cups
Nutrition : Rich in vitamin D , vitamin K , iron , magnesium , manganese and folate .
So is 9 Top foods you can consume each day to supplement the nutrients your body and stay healthy . No need everything you have to eat , but choose foods that you like and want to eat .
Nuts - Nuts .
David stated that the most nutritious nuts are kidney beans . Because these beans contain vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to heart health . Red beans also can satisfy your hunger with a low number of calories .
Calories : 200 per cup .
Nutrition : Rich in vitamin B1 , folate , potassium , magnesium , iron and fiber .
Liquid yogurt that is low-fat yogurt , it contains vitamins and minerals and healthy probiotics . Yoghurt also contains pantothenic acid is beneficial to help increase energy metabolism in the body and also the iodine with a very high concentration . Yogurt is a great source of protein is greek yogurt .
Calories : 140 per cup
Nutrition Rich in vitamin B2 , phosphorus , iodine , potassium , pantothenic acid and calcium .
beef heart
It is very amazing , said David . Beef liver is a gold mine and very good for women who are menstruating because many contain iron . Plus beef liver also contains chromium to help regulate blood sugar and memories with kolinnya .
Even so , it is recommended only consume beef liver once a week because of this low-fat beef heart but contains a lot of cholesterol .
Calories : 137 per 3 ounces
Nutrition : Rich in phosphorus , copper , chromium , biotin , choline , vitamin A , vitamin B12 , vitamin B13 , and niacin .
If you want to lose weight , it can follow these recommendations because so many have succeeded and generally helps to reduce 1 -3 kg / week . How do I ? To find out more please click here
Is one of the foods that are low in calories and delicious . The content of salmon in the form of omega- 3 acids are very good for lowering kolesterl and improve brain performance .
Calories : 157 per 3 ounces
Nutrition : Rich in omega - 3 fatty acids , choline , biotin , vitamin D , vitamin B6 , potassium , vitamin B12 , vitamin B3 , and Vitamin B6 .
David Grotto noted that there are different types of mushrooms , such as portobello , oyster , button mushrooms , shiitake , and all the mushrooms are low in calories and full of nutrition . Fungus - the fungus contains vitamin B2 which is very good for the metabolism of fats , proteins and carbohydrates .
Calories : 15 per cup
Nutrition : Rich in chromium copper , pantothenic acid , vitamin B2 , and biotin .
Lobster can make you reason to treat yourself well , but remember not every day . One of the animals that contain a high selenium and zinc that is lobster , but the lobster also has a high sodium content . Recommendation of David Grotto is eating 2-3 times a week .
Calories : 65 per 3 ounces
Nutrition : Rich in copper , selenium , zinc , and pantothenic acid .
Soybeans .
Soybeans has the benefit of lowering blood sugar and cholesterol , and also helps facilitate digestion . Should be taken as much as half a cup every day .
Calories : 150 per half cup
Nutrition : Rich in soluble fiber , unsaturated fats , protein , vitamin B1 , vitamin B2 , omega 3 - fatty acids , phosphorus , iron , and magnesium .
Oysters are the food nutritious and great for people who rarely eat meat and vitamin B12 deficiency . Oysters provide important benefits to the body such as DNA synthesis , red blood cell formation , and neurological function .
Calories : 85 per 3 ounces
Nutrition : Rich in copper , iron , selenium , zinc , and vitamin B12 .
Spinach vegetables .
David said that spinach is a vegetable which is very good for the body calories .. Because spinach contains vitamin K which has benefits for fertility , production of the hormone insulin , bone health and muscle strength .

June 11, 2013

classic waffle

Ingredients :

150 g flour
1 tsp salt
4 tsp baking powder
2 tbs white sugar
2 eggs
500 ml warm milk
100 g butter, melted
2 tsp vanilla extracts

June 08, 2013


Bahan :
75 g margarine
1 butir bawang bombay, cincang
150 gram tepung terigu
1 bungkus sari kaldu, larutkan dalam sedikit air
400 ml susu cair
1 sdt gula pasir
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
1 sdt garam halus
250 g daging cincang, sangrai
100 g keju cheddar, potong dadu
100 g tepung roti
1 butir telur, kocok dengan 1 sdm air
minyak goreng secukupnya

cara membuat :

  1. Lelehkan margarine dalam wajan,  tumis bawang bombay
  2. masukan terigu dan larutan kaldu 
  3. tuang susu sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk 
  4. masukan gula, garam, merica dan daging 
  5. aduk rata, angkat, dinginkan 
  6. Ambil adonan, isi tengahnya dengan keju, bentuk bulat.
  7. masukan ke dalam tepung roti, celupkan kocokan telur dan masukan ke dalam tepung roti 
  8. Goreng hingga agak coklat.