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November 05, 2014

green banana ice

ingredients :
100 grams wheat flour
15 grams cornflour
15 grams corn starch
250 mL coconut milk
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp pandan paste

sauce :
300 mL coconut milk
40 grams cornflour
1/2 tsp vanilla
3 plantain bananas
150 grams sugar
ice cubes

How to make :
1. mixed all flour, give salt, coconut milk and pandan paste
2. stir, steam for 10 minutes. lift
3. grab the dough, trimmed, put a banana in the middle. banana lid with dough and roll
4. move banana rolled up banana leaves, roll and steamed
5. for sauce, mixed all ingredients. stir. cook until boiling and thickened. lift
6. serve green banana ice, piece of banana. give ice cubes, syrup and sauce.

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