Avoid foods that infants under 1 year of age
HONEY Not recommended for infants under one year of age, as there are chances of getting the bacteria Clostridium Botulinum. Babies do not have immunity to these bacteria and can cause nerve poison paralyzed him
SALT Baby food should not be given because there is a strong salt is processed by the kidneys. Breast milk and formula is sufficient salt in his body
SUGAR Let your baby is not used to the sweet taste that can damage teeth
NUTS In addition there is the possibility of choking, beans are also very potentially cause allergic reactions
COW'S MILK as a beverage. Not enough fat content, nutrients (particularly iron) and calories. Too much sodium. Also potentially be an allergen. Except for dairy products such as cheese, are allowed after the baby is 6 months old
The food is avoided until the age fo 6 months
Wheat and any of its products Allergens (can cause allergic reactions)
EGGS Allergens especially the whites have a lot of protein content.
FISH, Fisheries Allergens
ACIDIC FRUITS such as oranges, grapes, pineapple. Baby had a strong stomach to be acidic foods
At the age of 4-6 months, breast milk or formula is still the main source of baby food. Other foods just extra.
Learning to eat is the most important thing at this age. Do not worry if your baby eats little or not eating at all. Please try again at another time.
If the baby is seen pushing food with his tongue, the baby may not yet ready to accept solid food. Always wait for 4 days to introduce new foods to in order to be seen whether the baby has an allergic reaction to food